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time: 2015-01-07 19:58:58


Catacomb Instance is 2nd Class team Instance,team need 3 teammates,only one team  can enter.(if teamates less than 3,mission will fail)




How to Enter:Find Npc Gould in Cronous Castle (141:241)

Instance has 3 stage,1st stage:destroy trap;2nd stage:destroy Magic Tower;3rd stage:Final BOSS.






1st stage:destroy all traps.


2nd stage:destroy 6 Magic Towers in limit time.


3rd stage:BOSS Rimmon



Final BOSS:Rimmon



Rimmon drop items:


Rabbit soul;Rabbit soul of piece;Sealed Ru;Sealed Buwl;Sealed Aiur;Sealed Torr;Sealed Ray;Sealed Kara;Sealed Jade;Sealed Tumba;Sealed kai;Sealed Cruel;Sealed Jend;Sealed Slaughter;Enchant Stone(2M);Enchant Stone(2M);±1 Enchant Stone(2M);Compensation Hammer(2M);The ancient Soil volume;The ancient Fire volume;The ancient Water volume;The ancient Wood volume;The ancient Gold volume;The ancient Soil volume A;The ancient Fire volume A;The ancient Water volume A;The ancient Wood volume A;Experience Lottery Dice (EXP);Enchant Stone(1m);Curse Enchant Stone(1m);Holy Enchant Stone(1m);±1 Enchant Stone(1m);Preservation Stone(1m);Compensation Hammer(1m);Academy Graduation Gift Box;Enchant Stone(D);Holy Stone(D);Curse Stone(D);Enchant Stone(C);Holy Stone(C);Curse Stone(C);3% Enchant Stone(D);3% Holy Stone(D);3% Enchant Stone(C);3% Holy Stone(C);5% Enchant Stone(D);5% Holy Stone(D);5% Enchant Stone(C);5% Holy Stone(C);Enchant Stone(M);Cursed Stone(M);3% Enchant Stone(M);5% Enchant Stone(M);Holy Stone(M);3% Holy Stone(M);5% Holy Stone(M);+/- 1 Enchant Stone (D);+/- 1 Enchant Stone (C);Ru;Buwl;Torr;Aiur;Ray;Jade;Kara;Tumba;Arms Drill Activities Reward(I);Arms Drill Activities Reward(II);Arms Drill Activities Reward(III);kama1;kama2;Cube of Warrior;Cube of Skeleton;Cube of Ancient;Cube of the Gong;Cube of the Hyun;Cube of the Jin;Cube of Legend;Crystal of Fury;Crystal of Hatred;Crystal of Discord;Crystal of Greed;Soul scroll [Y-tudha-na];Soul scroll [DarkKnight];Adolph;Baron;Kooper;Pavian