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time: 2015-01-12 14:17:27








1.Contest open at 22:00 every night(China Time)。

2.50 Hornor points was needed to enter(1st Master or 2nd Class Lv115+)

3.Divided into 3 stages, the 1,2 phase to kill a fixed number of mobs, after the completion of the third phase of the BOSS war, BOSS is divided into the first batch of the first batch of BOSS kill the final BOSS appears, BOSS appears

In a certain range of BOSS characters will greatly reduce the HP defense characters leave a certain range to eliminate the status of BOSS if the departure point of birth will automatically return to the point of birth

4The successful completion of the final battle for the combat area of each player will be increased by 100 hornor points and a variety of items to honor, then open the demon to the next day 21:30 points, the experience of the original demon plains more than 5 times,

If the contest for all characters will be passed back to the city, need to wait for the next start.


Drop Items:


Point Charge (1000);Crumble Woodblock;New Exp(Box);he ancient Soil volume A;The ancient Fire volume A;The ancient Water volume A;The ancient Wood volume A;The ancient Gold volume A;Red of Soul Stone;Altiras Pendant;+9 Altiras Pendant;Altiras Ring;+9 Altiras Ring;Altiras Necklace;+9 Altiras Necklace;Altiras Earring;+9 Altiras Earring;The moon cake (1 day);Soul of Tawooriel;Tawooriel card 2013;Matarel card 2013;Jakiel card 2013;Bereukiel card 2013;Ahsmourel card 2013;Matarel card 2016;Jakiel card 2016;Bereukiel card 2016;Tawooriel card 2016;Ahsmourel card 2016;Melting Stone;Cube of Warrior;Cube of Skeleton;Cube of Ancient;Cube of the Gong;Cube of the Hyun;Cube of the Jin;Cube of Legend;Crystal of Fury;Crystal of Hatred;Crystal of Discord;Crystal of Greed;Super Force (3 days);Super Defender (3 days);Super Scroll Plus (3 days);Strength Up (3 days);Agility Up (3 days);Stamina Up (3 days);Intelligence Up (3 days);HP Up (3 days);MP Up (3 days);All Resistance Up (3 days);Empty Bead;Vitality Extractor;3% Holy Stone(M);5% Holy Stone(M);5% Preservation Stone (M);+/- 1 Enchant Stone(M);3% Holy Stone(D);3% Holy Stone(C);5% Holy Stone(D);5% Holy Stone(C);+/- 1 Enchant Stone (D);+/- 1 Enchant Stone (C);5% Preservation Stone (D);5% Preservation Stone (C);Ancient Forest scrolls;Valkyrie Temple scrolls;Desert of Death scrolls(L);Desert of Death scrolls(H);Leveling Zone scrolls