Hall of the wise(Instance)
Hall of the wise(Instance) introduction:
1. If no boss appears in Ovest Zone,that means somebody is in Hall of the wise(Instance)
2. Two minutes limited to enter when you kill the boss in Ovest Zone
Items from instance:
Demons Land Scroll ;Broken Piece of Ark of the Spirit[Midium] ;Enchant Stone(2M) ;Enchant Stone(2M) ;Shine Egg Fried(1day) ;Ancient Coppercoin ;Ancient Silvercoin ;Ancient Goldcoin;Ancient Coppercoin Pouch;Ancient Silvercoin Pouch;Ancient Goldcoin Pouch;Organics Bead;Reinforce Organics Bead;±1 Enchant Stone(2M);The moon cake (1 day);Automatic hunters (7 day);Stat Initial;Skill Initial;Camp war Victory party(Point 5);Camp war Victory party(Point 10);Camp war Victory party(Point 15);Camp war Victory party(Point 20);The proof of a wise man;vital Helm;vital Armor;vital Belt;vital Gauntlets;vital Greaves;Blessing of God 30.0 (1hour);Blessing of God 40.0 (0.5hour);Blessing of God 50.0 (0.5hour);Cursed Weapon piece