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Communicate with us(Download IM tool QQ)

time: 2017-05-04 13:09:04

Communicate with us(Download IM tool QQ)


1.Download QQ(QQ is a Instant communication tool like Telegram and skype)

download site:

PC version:http://dldir1.qq.com/qqfile/QQIntl/QQi_PC/QQIntl2.11.exe

Iphone: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id710380093

2..How to apply QQ account?

Apply address:http://reg.imqq.com/?ADUIN=0&ADSESSION=0&ADTAG=CLIENT.QQ.5093_NewAccount_Btn.0&ADPUBNO=26288


3.How to communicate with us?

After you apply a QQ account,remember your account and password,then you can search Darkspace Cronous group,follow picture bellow,our Group number is  637238058

then you can ask questions