2018 summer events
time: 2018-06-05 20:06:09
part1 2018.06.06~2018.06.26
1,event zone: Ma-Dravas Haunted Beach Ovest Island
2,Kill the monsters of the event title and randomly discard items
Ice cream fillings
Ice cream shaved ice
Ice cream puree
Ice cream sauce
New Ice Cream Jam

{Automatic hunters
The moon cake
Soul Keeper
Free Teleport
Book of Maelle
New Super Scroll Plus } *5day
Blessings of summer events *1day
Blessing of God 200.0 *6 hour
3,Donation package:
Single donation of $100:
{Automatic hunters
The moon cake
Soul Keeper
Free Teleport
Book of Maelle
New Super Scroll Plus
Blessings of summer events } *7day
Blessing of God 200.0 *3day
new Berkiel Avatar (15day) *1
± Holy blessed water *3
Holy blessed water 100% *2
+ 7 Angra Mainyu Weapon *1
+10 Monarch's - Earring *2
part2 2018.06.26~2018.07.25 (Stay tuned)
part3 2018.07.25~2018.08.29(Stay tuned)
DarkSpace studio