2018 Football World Cup Events
time: 2018-06-13 23:18:59
2018 Football World Cup Events
1,event zone: Ma-Dravas Haunted Beach Ovest Island
2,Kill the event monster and randomly drop items
World Cup Event Item
World Cup Golden Ball Event Items
World Cup Blue Ball Event

3,Collecting 3 types of items can be redeemed at Castle cronous
npc:World Cup Event X176,Y192
Successfully exchanged rewards 1 item:

2018 World Cup Avatar (1hr)
World Cup Event Item
World Cup Memorial Earrings
+1 World Cup Memorial Earrings
+2 World Cup Memorial Earrings
+3 World Cup Memorial Earrings
+4 World Cup Memorial Earrings
+5 World Cup Memorial Earrings
+6 World Cup Memorial Earrings
+7 World Cup Memorial Earrings
+8 World Cup Memorial Earrings
+9 World Cup Memorial Earrings
+10 World Cup Memorial Earrings
World Cup Golden Ball Event Items
World Cup Blue Ball Event
World Cup Memorial Package
Open World Cup Memorial Package Get 1 Item at random:
World Cup Memorial Package
+13 Sun god's Pendant
+13 Monarch's - Earring
+13 Sun god's Ring
+13 Sun god's Necklace
+10 World Cup Memorial Earrings
+13 Hammer of the sun god
+13 Staff of the sun god
+13 Bow of the sun god
+13 Sword of the sun god
2018 World Cup Avatar (30day)
*World Cup Memorial Earrings cannot be refined

4,A single Donate $200 Gift World Cup Memorial Package*5
5,Free 2018 World Cup Avatar (7day)
DarkSpace studio